Operation on rusty surfaces with thick paint coatings
Detection of minimum defects
Corrosion detection under up to 30 mm thick insulation
Small, light, impact-proof device
Small PEC Flaw Detector


PEC flaw detector SmartPEC+ is designed to detect corrosion areas in steel objects without preliminary surface preparation and removal of insulating coating. The device will operate even if dirt, rust, paint and scale deposits of total thickness up to 30mm are on the surface!

Corrosion detection under up to 30 mm thick insulation
Small, light, impact-proof device
Detection of minimum defects
Operation on uneven, rusty surfaces, as well as covered with a thick layer of paint

After a simple and quick calibration, SmartPEC+ will measure metal thickness under the sensor, detecting large pitting and common area corrosion both on the outer and inner surfaces of the test object.

SmartPEC+ is good for:

  • identification of pockets of corrosion without stripping pipes, including pipes and pipelines with a three-layer polypropylene coating or in polyurethane foam insulation
  • internal diagnostics of pipes with internal cement coating, detection of corrosion in metal supports of street lamps
  • corrosion detection in steel ship parts through a thick layer of paint
EMA Plus battery charger4000
Battery charger
Cable Lemo2-Lemo2
Transducer with cable
Protective case SmartPEC+
Protective case